A moblog by Luke Bee, shooting pics with his new K800i as he hits the road.

Dienstag, Juni 13, 2006


I bougt this cool grill in migros for 30 bucks, here we are testing it!

Sonntag, Juni 11, 2006

Friends @ Lilys

New friend Peter, talking about God and Church.


This is Chrys, if it wouldnt be for her, my heart would suffer a imense lack of love! She always wants to be in the sun, but not my little alpino skin.

Swimming the first time

Some friends chilling out close to the river.

Samstag, Juni 10, 2006

Longstreet my home

Loud but beautiful. From my balcony i look down after a cool day.

Freitag, Juni 09, 2006

Old Friends

Marc und Silvio

Soccerparty 1

Right before 1:1

Paradise v2.0


Our beautiful mom and house. Right at the lake.

Mates Boot

After lunch take a tour

Edel Lunch

Infowing at our personal bermuda.


Dan and me are treatet as dogs.

Master of disaster

New Toys

Me and my beloved new visualstudio 2005.


Here I will keep posting pics I make throughout the days as I work, walk and talk my way trough life, people and random moments.
Have trice fun.